قاعدة تهجي صوت f في ph او gh او f

لا يسمح لحرف f ان يستعمل في الكلمات الطويلة، وما ان كانت الكلمة طويلة مثل geography نستعمل ph. أما الـ gh فهو في سبع كلمات ممكن حفظها.

Do we use f as in font, or ph as in geography, or gh as in enough?

Rule: The letter “f” is not allowed long words, and if a word is long (more than one or two syllables) as in “geography,” then the sound of “f” is spelled with a “ph.” Note that the origin of the “ph” is derived from the Greek language. Also and as in “enough,” the “gh” that sounds like an “f” occurs in approximately seven words.


1. The gh occurs in these 7 words: e·nough, tough, rough, cough, laugh, slough, trough, sough

2. The following 40 words are examples of a countless number of long words that contain aph.” Remember the letter “f” is not allowed in long words:

ge·og·ra·phy, phi·los·o·phy, bi·og·ra·phy, au·to·bi·og·ra·phy, a·pos·tro·phe, pe·riph·er·al, hy·phen·at·ed, neph·ew, at·mos·phere, ephe·mism, phy·si·cian, Phi·la·del·phi·a, Phi·lip·pine, am·phib·i·an, am·phi·the·a·ter, so·phis·ti·cat·ed, graph·ics, el·e·phant, phar·ma·cy, phar·ma·cist, al·pha·bet, em·pha·size, em·pha·sis, sym·pho·ny, pho·nol·o·gy, pho·bic, phon·ics, pho·net·ic, pho·neme, met·a·phor, pho·to·graph, tri·umph, par·a·graph, pam·phlet, oph·thal·mol·o·gy, diph·thong, schiz·o·phre·ni·a, par·a·phrase, Ephra·tes, me·ta·mor·pho·sis

Memorize these 21 words that are exceptions: The following 21 words are exceptions because they are relatively long, yet spelled with an “f,” not with a “ph.” Either memorize these words or know that the stem “fer” is Latin, not Greek and we do not use a “ph” in Latin words. In addition, the “f” in these words may be followed by a consonant as in “fluency,” while the “ph” is normally followed by a vowel except in the three words phrase, schizophrenia, and Euphrates. Note that in this book a long word means a word that has more than one or two syllables: re·fer, pre·fer, trans·fer, fel·o·ny, fem·i·nine, fi·nite, fi·del·i·ty, in·fant, fa·nat·ic, fab·u·lous, fa·cil·i·tate, fam·i·ly, fan·ta·sy, fal·la·cy, fan·tas·tic, fam·ine, com·fort, fu·gi·tive, fu·ri·ous, fur·ni·ture, ref·u·gee

Learning the above Words

1. Read all the above words aloud slowly as many times as needed until you memorize their spelling.

2. Copy all the above words and do not try to guess their spelling. Instead, look at each word before you begin to copy it and do not look away from it until you are 100% confident that you can spell it correctly.

3. Fill in the blanks using f, ff, ph, or gh:

photogra__, sym__ony, sa__e, cou__, __armacist, geogra__y, enou__, __ree, __ysician, Christo__er, al__abet, ele__ant, __iloso__y, lau__, __onics, meta__ or, paragra__, autobiogra__y, tou__, __ew, ne__ew, so__isticated, Je__, am__itheater, am__ibian, trans__ er, __ase, com__ort, rou__, mu__ler, schizo__renia, para__rase, di__icult, Ste__anie, rou__, hy__en, __ont, pre__er, pre__erred, re__erence, pre__erence, __ur, __urniture, __antastic, __abulous, cou__ing, lau__ing, rou__ly, stu__, stu__ed, stu__ing, re__ugee

ملاحظة: القاعدة اعلاه مأخوذة من كتاب 100Spelling Rules الذي هو فقط بالانجليزية ولا يحتوي على ترجمة بالعربية. انه كتاب موجه للمتقدميين باللغة وايضا لمتكلمي اللغة الانجليزية.

كيفية شراء كتب تعليم الانجليزية؟


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